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- ItemWillingness to Pay More for Green Products: a critical challenge for Gen Z(Elsevier, 2023-01-17) Gomes, Sofia; Lopes, João M.; Nogueira, SóniaDigital natives, with a sense of equality, social justice and environmental awareness, young people from Generation Z value money more than previous generations and, as such, are conscientious in their consumption choices. The consumption of greener products can contribute to achieving the sustainability goals imposed on societies. The study explores the determinants of Generation Z youth’s demand for green products and how they influence their willingness to pay more. A quantitative analysis was carried out through a questionnaire in which 927 Portuguese Generation Z consumers of green products participated. First, a descriptive statistical analysis was carried out. Then the Partial Least Square method was applied to explore the relationship between the determinants of demand for green products and the willingness to pay more for them. The results showed that environmental concerns, green future estimation and green perceived quality are potential determinants of Generation Z’s consumption of green products and positively influence willingness to pay more for green products. Green perceived benefits have the effect put. This study presents the first evidence of how environmental concerns, future green vision, green perceived quality and green benefits by young Portuguese Generation Z consumers can influence the willingness to pay more for green products. It also demonstrates how green products can be used as signals.
- ItemResiliência em Feiras Livres: uma análise sob a ótica sistêmica(Educação Metodista, 2019-01) Gerhard, Felipe; Peñaloza, Verónica; Matos, Fátima Regina NeyO processo de resiliência das feiras livres, exemplos de sistemas de varejo urbano, lhes permitiu sobreviver ao desenvolvimento das civilizações desde o surgimento das primeiras vilas até as cidades atuais. As feiras vêm acompanhando o processo de evolução das práticas de comércio, bem como, das relações sociais. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o processo de resiliência desses sistemas de varejo. A análise será feita por meio das lentes teóricas da Teoria Geral dos Sistemas. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e de caráter exploratório na Feira dos Pássaros, o mercado alternativo mais popular da cidade de Fortaleza-CE. Foram utilizadas como fonte de coleta a observação participante e a entrevista semiestruturada. Como resultado, destaca-se que, embora os feirantes não se entendam como responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da feira, o processo de resiliência é constituído por fatores que transcendem a visão mercadológica tradicional. As perspectivas social e cultural, as quais são compostas por valores intangíveis que destoam do racionalismo econômico clássico, também são responsáveis pela construção do ambiente e imagem das feiras livres, constituídas por um amálgama de valores, práticas e lógicas entrelaçadas, capazes de erigir e orientar o seu cotidiano. | The resilience process of trade fairs, examples of urban retail systems, permitted them to survive in spite the development of the civilizations since the appearance of the first villages until the current cities. Trade fairs followed the evolutionary process of trade practices, as well, as the social relationships. This research aims to analyze the resilience process of those markets. We examine the trade fair through the theoretical lenses of the General System Theory. To this end, an exploratory and qualitative research was conducted at Birds’ Fair, the most popular alternative market at the city of Fortaleza-CE. As resource for data collection were used the techniques of participant observation and semi-structured interview. As main results, we stand out that, the resilience process is not restricted to purely financial factors; the resilience of trade fairs is subordinate not only by a marketing vision, but also by social and cultural practices. Those practices, which are constituted by intangible values contrary to classical economic rationalism, are also related to the building of the environment and image of the fair. This is due a multitude of interlaced values, practices and logics, capable to create and guide its quotidian.
- ItemTicking Time Bombs: the MENA and SSA regions' geopolitical risks(Elsevier, 2023-07-18) Ferreira, João J.; Lopes, João M.; Zhang, Justin Z.; Gomes, SofiaOne of the major global challenges that most affect the world economies are geopolitical risks triggered by tensions arising from exploiting natural resources. This paper attempts to study the influences of global governance indicators (voice and accountability, political stability and absence of violence/terrorism, the rule of law, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, and control of corruption) on natural resource rents in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Middle East & North Africa (MENA). We apply a new panel quantile estimation technique to panel data from 62 countries from 1996 to 2021. The results show, in general, in both MENA and SSA economies, there is a negative perception of the quality of governance. This is due to several factors, such as the absence of popular participation and transparency in decision-making, political instability, violence and terrorism, low government efficacy, low-quality regulation, lack of the rule of law, and high corruption in these regions. Thus, governance quality could be the driver of geopolitical risks in resource-rich economies. This study adds to the literature on geopolitical risk by assessing the impact of the perceived quality of governance on natural resource income in the MENA and SSA regions. Furthermore, it is the first study to compare two regions, with many countries, regarding the effects of global governance indicators on natural resource rents. In addition, it has been empirically demonstrated that the deterioration of the quality of government is associated with increased revenues from the exploitation of natural resources, which increases the likelihood of geopolitical tensions. Higher quality and more effective governance require less complex, more transparent, and less contradictory regulations, reducing the likelihood of geopolitical tensions. Practical and policy implications are drawn from the findings to help the MENA and SSA economies overcome geopolitical risks.
- ItemArranjo Produtivo Local da Piscicultura no Castanhão: um meio para disseminação de práticas e conhecimentos sobre sustentabilidade(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2018-12-28) Bastos, Adriana Teixeira; Rocha, Cláudio César Torquato; Matos, Fátima Regina NeyO objetivo deste artigo é caracterizar os elementos que compõem o APL da piscicultura do Açude Castanhão: aglomerado, estrutura de governançae apoio público, em que se admite que se realiza o processo de aprendizagem de práticas e conhecimentos sobre sustentabilidade. A abordagem metodológica adotada foi qualitativa, com o emprego da técnica de análise de narrativa. Para a coleta de dados, empregou-se a entrevista, a análise documental e a observação simples. A pesquisa evidenciou a existência de aglomeração de empresas/associações/cooperativas especializadas, funcionando de maneira relativamente organizada, baseadas em interações e mecanismos de coordenação, realizado principalmente por entes públicos como a PMJ, o DNOCS, o SEBRAE e a SEAGRI/SDA. Portanto, não se trata somente de aglomeração física de empresas mantendo encontros casuais, mas da ação de atores coordenados por entidades governamentais e não governamentais, com algumas ações de governança, que aos poucos evolui para um tipo moderado, que representam um fraco, mas persistente apoio público. | The objective of this article is to characterize the elements that compose the Castanhão pisciculture cluster: agglomerate, governance structure andpublic support, in which it is admitted that the process of learning practices and knowledge about sustainability is realized. The methodological approach adopted was qualitative, using the technique of narrative analysis. For data collection, interviews, documentary analysis and simple observation were used. The research evidenced the existence of agglomeration of specialized companies / associations / cooperatives, functioning in a relatively organized way, based on interactions and coordination mechanisms, carried out mainly by public entities such as PMJ, DNOCS, SEBRAE and SEAGRI / SDA. Therefore, it was not only a matter of physical agglomeration of companies holding casual encounters, but rather of the actions of coordinated actors, with some governance actions, which gradually evolved into a moderate type coordinated by governmental and nongovernmental entities that represented a weak, but persistent public support.
- ItemAs Dimensões da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho em Empresas Privadas(Universidade Nove de Julho – Uninove, 2018-03-21) Mesquita, Rafael Fernandes de; Ávila, Ana Paula Holanda Lima; Matos, Fátima Regina Ney; Mesquita Júnior, Paulo José deA qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) surge na literatura acadêmica em meados do século XX a partir da interdisciplinaridade entre áreas do conhecimento humano para solucionar os problemas da relação entre a engenharia de produção de bens e a dimensão da vida dos indivíduos fora do ambiente de trabalho. Neste trabalho, procuramos preencher gaps que persistem neste campo científico ao validar um instrumento de avaliação da QVT em empresas privadas, baseado nos trabalhos de Walton (1973) e já aplicado ao setor público. O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar as variáveis explicativas da QVT do empregado privado. Para isso, utilizou-se de uma abordagem metodológica quantitativa com técnicas de análise fatorial e regressão múltipla. Os resultados apontam as condições de trabalho seguras e saudáveis como fator preponderante e o modelo testado foi validado, tornando-se possíveis suas réplicas em outros contextos empíricos e a ampliação de seu escopo. | The quality of life at work (QLW) arises in the academic literature in the mid-twentieth century from the interdisciplinarity between areas of human knowledge to solve the problems of the relationship between the engineering of production of goods and the life dimension of individuals outside the work environment. In this work, we try to fill gaps that persist in this scientific field by validating an instrument of evaluation of QVT in private companies, based on the works of Walton (1973) and using a form already applied to the public sector. The objective of this study was to investigate the explanatory variables of the QVT of the private employee. For this, a quantitative methodological approach was used with factorial analysis and multiple regression techniques. The results point to safe and healthy working conditions as a preponderant factor and the tested model was validated, making possible its replicas in other empirical contexts and the expansion of its scope.