Repositório ISMT
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga
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Entradas recentes
The Multiplicity of Facets of Contemporary Femininity in High Fashion Blogs
(Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2017-01) Mesquita, Rafael Fernandes de; Matos, Fátima Regina Ney; Sena, Augusto Marcos Carvalho de; Leite, Kátia Cristina Tofoli
Purpose: Analyze the makeup of contemporary femininities through in-depth research into how a group of assiduous readers of high fashion blogs produces meanings about themselves and the social relationships in which they are involved. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: The study advances in the understanding of how social relationships are complex complexions and blogs, tools of virtual publication of the content of daily activities of their idealizers, in new spaces influencing the construction of the subjectivity of individuals or even understanding them as contemporary forms of organization. Key methodological aspects: Qualitative study with data collected from virtual observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. Summary of key results: The high-fashion blog as a business organization with a profile of readers presenting common interests and characteristics, in addition to the emergence of femininity as a multifaceted complex of characteristics both near as distant from the old public roles played by women. Key considerations/conclusions: The conception of the blog conjectures as a digital locus where social interactions and market relations are possible. The study also allowed bringing the debate of postmodern feminist approaches to the field of organizational studies, reaffirming the intermittent character of the subjective constitution of the feminine gender in the contemporary emancipatory perspective.
Exploring the Need for Fertility Education: a cross-sectional study of healthcare professionals and students' knowledge of fertility and fertility preservation
(SIPISS - Italian Society for Psychotherapy, Interdisciplinary Health and Social Development, 2024-06) Galhardo, Ana; Salvado, Catarina; Moniz, Soraia; Cunha, Marina; Massano-Cardoso, Ilda
Introduction: Increasing attention has been directed toward fertility and fertility preservation (both for medical and non-medical reasons) worldwide. Nevertheless, previous studies have reported a lack of fertility awareness in the general population, healthcare providers, and medical students. This study aimed to explore health professionals’ and students’ fertility knowledge, fertility preservation knowledge and attitudes, and interest in accessing more information. Methods: The sample consisted of 309 participants (214 students; 95 professionals) from medicine, nursing, and psychology. Participants completed an online questionnaire addressing knowledge about fertility and fertility preservation, attitudes towards fertility preservation, and interest in receiving more information. Results: Most participants were aware of the infertility definition and prevalence, but 41.2% of students and 37.9% of professionals needed to recognize that men's age may also impact fertility. Concerning in vitro fertilization (IVF) success rates, 38.3% of students and 35.8% of professionals underestimated the IVF success rates, whereas 33.2% and 27.8%, respectively, overestimated these rates. Participants' answers regarding factors affecting fertility showed that more than half of the participants, more than half of the students (54.6%), and the professionals (60%) overestimated the age of women’s fertility decline. Oocyte cryopreservation was the fertility preservation option they knew best. Health professionals and students mostly agreed that providing fertility preservation information should be part of regular healthcare and mentioned that receiving information about fertility preservation would be helpful. Professionals revealed higher knowledge when compared to students. Conclusions: Overall, despite having some information, professionals and students still lack sufficient knowledge to support their patients. These results highlight the relevance of designing training and information opportunities to enhance knowledge on the topics of fertility awareness and fertility preservation.
The Flows of Compassion in Adolescents as Measured by the Compassionate Engagement and Action Scales
(Springer, 2021-07-23) Cunha, Marina; Galhardo, Ana; Gilbert, Paul; Rodrigues, Cátia; Matos, Marcela
The development of self-report instruments assessing the different facets of compassion adapted for different age groups is crucial for research and clinical practice. This study examined the factor structure and psychometric properties of the adaptation to adolescents of the Compassionate Engagement and Action Scales (CEAS-A) in a sample of 674 Portuguese adolescents. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the factor structure of the CEAS-A was similar to the one found in the adults’ version, with higher-order factor models encompassing two first/s-order factors in each scale (Engagement and Actions). The CEAS-A revealed good construct validity, reliability, and temporal stability. Gender differences were found in Self-compassion and Compassion for Other scales. Path analysis results indicated that self-criticism had a direct negative impact on adolescents’ life satisfaction, whereas the impact of self-reassurance on life satisfaction was partially mediated by self-compassion and compassion from others. The CEAS-A is the first self-report instrument that allows for the assessment of the three different flows of compassion in adolescents and may be an important and useful tool for research and clinical practice.
Childlessness, Personal Social Networks and Wellbeing at Advanced Ages: a cross-sectional study in a Southern European familistic welfare state
(Cambridge University Press, 2022-04-22) Vicente, Henrique Testa; Guadalupe, Sónia
During the past decades, childless old age has attracted a considerable amount of scholarly interest. However, few studies address this phenomenon in Southern European familistic welfare states, where there is a pervading expectation that family members, especially spouses and children, care for their older relatives. The present cross-sectional study aims to analyse the relationship between childlessness, social networks and wellbeing in a sample of 612 Portuguese individuals aged 65 and over, comprising two sub-samples: parents (N = 540) and childless (N = 72). Data were collected through a research protocol that included a sociodemographic questionnaire, a personal social network assessment inventory, and several validated psychometric measures of psychological wellbeing focusing on mental health, loneliness, depression and satisfaction with life. Childless older adults' social networks are smaller but more diverse, including a more significant proportion of friends and neighbours. No differences were found in perceived support from significant others, but network reciprocity was lower among non-parents. The childless subsample also reported more feelings of loneliness and less life satisfaction, but regression analysis showed that parenthood status, per se, is not significantly related to any outcome measures. Besides the central role of sociodemographic characteristics and personal functioning measures in explaining psychological wellbeing variance, several network factors were also identified as influential predictors. Implications for micro-level network intervention and macro-level social policy making are discussed.
Willingness to Pay More for Green Products: a critical challenge for Gen Z
(Elsevier, 2023-01-17) Gomes, Sofia; Lopes, João M.; Nogueira, Sónia
Digital natives, with a sense of equality, social justice and environmental awareness, young people from Generation Z value money more than previous generations and, as such, are conscientious in their consumption choices. The consumption of greener products can contribute to achieving the sustainability goals imposed on societies. The study explores the determinants of Generation Z youth’s demand for green products and how they influence their willingness to pay more. A quantitative analysis was carried out through a questionnaire in which 927 Portuguese Generation Z consumers of green products participated. First, a descriptive statistical analysis was carried out. Then the Partial Least Square method was applied to explore the relationship between the determinants of demand for green products and the willingness to pay more for them. The results showed that environmental concerns, green future estimation and green perceived quality are potential determinants of Generation Z’s consumption of green products and positively influence willingness to pay more for green products. Green perceived benefits have the effect put. This study presents the first evidence of how environmental concerns, future green vision, green perceived quality and green benefits by young Portuguese Generation Z consumers can influence the willingness to pay more for green products. It also demonstrates how green products can be used as signals.