Banco de Dados de Ciências Sociais

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O Banco de Dados de Ciências Sociais-Repositório do ISMT disponibiliza os ficheiros de utilização científica (SPSS) com dados dos estudos conduzidos por investigadores do ISMT. Por razões de proteção de dados, os conjuntos de dados só podem ser utilizados após a assinatura de um contrato de distribuição de dados. Se pretender utilizar os dados, utilize o formulário de candidatura e envie para Indique os eventuais coutilizadores, ou seja, os investigadores do seu projeto que também terão acesso aos dados, no formulário de candidatura. | The Social Sciences Dataset-ISMT Repository provides files for scientific use (SPSS) with data from studies conducted by ISMT researchers. For data protection reasons, datasets can only be used after signing a data distribution agreement. If you want to use the data, please use the application form and send it to Indicate possible co-users - researchers of your project who will also have access to the data - when filling out the application form.


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  • Item
    Advance Directives in the Professional Practice of Portuguese Social Workers in Social Facilities for Older Adults
    (Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, 2025-02-14) Daniel, Fernanda; Almeida, Vasco; Barata, Maria João; Ferreira, Ana Elizabete; Ribeiro, Sónia; Vicente, Henrique
    This database presents the results of the study titled "Advance Directives in the Professional Practice of Portuguese Social Workers in Social Facilities for Older Adults." Given the increasing dependence of older adults on social services and the legal framework established by Law No. 25/2012 regarding Advance Directives (AD), it is crucial to understand professionals' knowledge and practices in this area to safeguard autonomy, dignity, and self-determination, as well as to strategically adapt training to the needs of social workers. The findings of this study contribute to discussions on the role of social workers in facilitating AD, highlighting gaps in professional training and the need for clearer institutional policies. Although social workers recognize the importance of AD, a significant proportion lacks formal training and practical experience in guiding older adults through the decision-making process. This reality underscores the need for specialized education programs and multidisciplinary collaboration to ensure that AD are effectively integrated into social work practice. The database includes demographic information and scores related to professionals' knowledge and practices in this field. Researchers and professionals interested in accessing the data should complete the request form and send it to for review.
  • Item
    The Portuguese Validation of the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ-PT)
    (Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, 2024-10) Barata, Maria João; Dikken, Jeroen; Hoof, Joost van; Silva, Alexandre Gomes da; Daniel, Fernanda
    Este banco de dados apresenta os resultados de um estudo que produziu e validou a versão portuguesa do Questionário de Cidades e Comunidades Amigas dos Idosos (AFCCQ), através da sua aplicação a uma amostra de pessoas mais velhas residentes em Coimbra. O questionário foi concebido para avaliar a ‘amigabilidade’ de cidades e comunidades, com base nas experiências e percepções das pessoas mais velhas. Tem o intuito de informar a formulação de políticas urbanas e sociais e iniciativas da sociedade civil para os mais velhos, podendo servir de referência para pesquisadores e profissionais dedicados ao envelhecimento e criação de comunidades inclusivas em contexto urbano. Compõe-se de 23 itens, relativos a 9 domínios (Transportes, Habitação, Participação social, Respeito e inclusão social, Participação cívica e emprego, Comunicação e informação, Apoio comunitário e serviços de saúde, Edifícios e espaços exteriores, e Situação financeira), que reflectem o documento fundacional da Organização Mundial de Saúde, Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide, publicado em 2007. O banco de dados inclui informações demográficas e pontuações para os 23 itens. Pesquisadores e profissionais interessados na consulta dos dados, deverão preencher o formulário e enviá-lo para, para análise. | This database presents the results of a study that produced and validated the Portuguese version of the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ), by applying it to a sample of older people living in Coimbra. The questionnaire was designed to evaluate the age-friendliness of cities and communities based on older people's experiences and perceptions. It intends to inform the formulation of urban and social policies and civil society initiatives for older people, and it can serve as a reference for researchers and professionals dedicated to ageing and the creation of inclusive communities in an urban context. It consists of 23 items relating to 9 domains (Transportation, Housing, Social participation, Respect and social inclusion, Civic participation and employment, Communication and information, Community support and health services, Outdoor spaces and buildings, and Financial situation), which reflect the World Health Organisation's foundational document Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide, launched in 2007. The database includes demographic information and scores for the 23 items. Researchers and professionals interested in consulting the data should fill in the form and send it to for analysis.