The Multiplicity of Facets of Contemporary Femininity in High Fashion Blogs
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Mesquita, Rafael Fernandes de
Matos, Fátima Regina Ney
Sena, Augusto Marcos Carvalho de
Leite, Kátia Cristina Tofoli
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Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Purpose: Analyze the makeup of contemporary femininities through in-depth research into how a group of assiduous readers of high fashion blogs produces meanings about themselves and the social relationships in which they are involved. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: The study advances in the understanding of how social relationships are complex complexions and blogs, tools of virtual publication of the content of daily activities of their idealizers, in new spaces influencing the construction of the subjectivity of individuals or even understanding them as contemporary forms of organization. Key methodological aspects: Qualitative study with data collected from virtual observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. Summary of key results: The high-fashion blog as a business organization with a profile of readers presenting common interests and characteristics, in addition to the emergence of femininity as a multifaceted complex of characteristics both near as distant from the old public roles played by women. Key considerations/conclusions: The conception of the blog conjectures as a digital locus where social interactions and market relations are possible. The study also allowed bringing the debate of postmodern feminist approaches to the field of organizational studies, reaffirming the intermittent character of the subjective constitution of the feminine gender in the contemporary emancipatory perspective.
Mesquita, R. F. ; Matos, F. R. N. ; Sena, A. M. C. ; Leite, K. C. T. The multiplicity of facets of contemporary femininity in high fashion blogs. Revista de Administração Mackenzie (online), v. 18, p. 96-119, 2017.